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From Summer Camp To Sexologist: Dr. Suzy Talks w/ Heeb Magazine About Porn, Purim, and her “10 Commandments Of Pleasure”

"For a certain pre-Internet generation, HBO’s groundbreaking “Real Sex” series was perhaps the only source for any sort of sex-education that went beyond basic biology. Sure it was packaged amidst ample nudity, cheeky “man on the street” interviews, and a decidedly porn-y neo-funk soundtrack, but what Real Sex offered was arguable more illuminating – and certainly more entertaining – than anything else at the time (and most things around today). It was through Real Sex that I first became aware of Dr. Susan Block (“Dr. Suzy” to her fans) and her work as one of the country’s leading sexologists. As I would later discover, she is a dedicated First Amendment activist, private therapist, and, along with her husband Max, hostess to some of the wildest Jewish holiday parties imaginable: Bacchanals in which the traditional stories that make up the foundation of holidays like Passover and Hanukkah are celebrated with such hedonistic abandon it would make that other Jewish sexologist (…paging Dr. Ruth Whatshername&hellipWink blush. With Purim around the corner, I spoke with Dr. Suzy about her career as a sexologist, her plans for Purim, and why she’s like a Talmudic scholar..."

Read the rest of the interview between Heeb Magazine and Dr. Susan Block here:

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